Home Comforts
Our homes account for about 14% of the UK emissions. You can reduce your household bills and reduce green house gas emissions by taking some simple steps. A great source of information is the Energy Savings Trust.
More information on simple steps to take to reduce your carbon footprint is available in the United Nations Lazy Persons Guide to Saving the World!
Renewable Energy
Installing renewable energy technology in your home is an effective way of reducing emissions.
Not everyone can afford to do this, there is another way to make the electricity you use renewable and that is to purchase electricity from renewable sources. There are a number of companies offering a 100% renewable tariff.
www.uswitch.com allows you to compare energy supplier prices, you can also specify that you want a green deal which means the supplier offers renewable energy.
About 25% of heat is lost through the roof, 35% through the walls and as drafts around windows and doors.
The most cost effective way to retain heat is through draft proofing.
The second is to insulate the loft. Cornwall Council works with some partners to help householders insulate their homes. For further information click here.
The government have put in place the The Green Deal which helps you make energy-saving improvements to your home and to find the best way to pay for them.​
Low energy light bulbs can save an amazing amount of energy and provide some really good quality light.
If you haven't already, a really good way to save some money off your electricity bills is to replace your bulbs with energy efficient ones.