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Tree Planting

Trees are essential in combating climate change. In conjunction with Stithians Parish Council we have sourced some trees for planting in the Parish of Stithians.  


The plan is to plant them in areas around the parish to increase tree cover and biodiversity. If you want one or more of these trees to plant in your garden or on land please register your interest by contacting SPC Clerk by email 

When the trees arrive we will be looking for volunteers to help with planting. Again if you can help please contact the clerk.


At the 2019 Stithians Show we gave out some seeds, we would love to see what has become of these seeds. Once they get to a certain size we can plant them up at the show ground if needed. 

Grow and plant your own

Growing your own tree(s) is easy and needs minimal equipment. So if you find an acorn, conker, helicopter etc why not have a go at planting it? 


Once your seed has grown to a seedling you can plant it in your garden or another area with the landowners permission. Be careful not to plant too near to buildings as roots can damage foundations and cause structural issues. 


If you would like help finding a suitable location for planting let us know and we will help find one for you. 

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